Escenas de Teléute. Para oboe, clarinete, violín, viola y cello

Pues tal y como prometía ayer, aquí tenéis mis Escenas de Teléute. Antes de que alguien me califique de morboso, aquí van las palabras del propio Gaiman, autor del personaje y en cuyo universo, como os contaba en mi artículo anterior, espero algún día realizar algo de teatro musical.

“There’s a tale in the Caballa that suggests that the Angel of Death is so beautiful that on finally seeing it (or him, or her) you fall in love so hard, so fast, that your soul is pulled out through your eyes.

I like that story.

There’s an Islamic story that declares that the Angel of Death has huge wings covered in eyes, and that as each mortal dies one of its eyes closes, just for a moment.

I like that story too, and take pleasure in imagining huge wings, and a ripple of ever-opening, ever-closing beautiful eyes.

And there’s a touch of wish fulfillment in there too. I didn’t want a Death who agonised over her role, or who took a grim delight in her job, or who didn’t care. I wanted a Death that I’d like to meet, in the end. Someone who would care.

Like her.”

–Neil Gaiman

Sólo espero que la próxima vez que toque este  este universo, disponga de una paleta más amplia. Cada vez me cuesta más limitar tanto el número de voces.

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